Jira for Tickets app

Create Jira issues directly from Intercom tickets and get updated when they close.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over a week ago

Seamlessly integrate Intercom Tickets and Jira issues for more efficient communication while reducing the need to switch between tools.

The Jira for Tickets app can simplify workflows and enhance integration between Intercom Tickets and Jira issues. Automatically create Jira issues from specified Intercom ticket types (Customer Tickets & Back Office Tickets), so you can easily track and manage them. Mirror Jira issue statuses to Intercom tickets. Sync notes and comments without needing copying & pasting manually.

Install the app

Go to the App Store and find the Jira for Tickets app.

Click on the Jira for Tickets app and then click Install now

If you already have the Jira for Tickets app installed, uninstall and reinstall it.

Click Authorize access to give Jira for Tickets the right access to your Intercom Workspace.

Ensure you're logged in to your correct Atlassian account.

Review the access Jira for Intercom Tickets (the Atlassian side of the App) is requesting and press Accept.

Setting up the app

On the Getting Started tab, Select any teammates you want to share the Jira for Tickets app with.

On the Settings tab turn on “Enable this to create Jira issues from tickets in Intercom automatically”.

Click Add Jira project

  • Select the Jira project you want issues to be created in from the dropdown.

  • Then click Map a ticket type map any Intercom Ticket types to Jira issue types.


  • You can map multiple Intercom Ticket types to Jira issue types.

  • You can also add multiple Jira projects

If you want Intercom ticket notes and Jira issue comments to sync, under Sync tickets data enable the setting "Enable this to sync Intercom ticket notes and Jira issue comments in real-time".

You’re done! When you now create an Intercom Ticket of the type you mapped, a Jira issue of the type you mapped will be automatically created in your chosen Jira Project. 🎉

  • The app does not currently sync custom Ticket attributes, but we are aware this is a popular feature request.

  • When the Intercom ticket State changes, a comment will be written to the Jira issue.

  • When the Jira issue status changes, a note will be written to the Intercom ticket.

  • Any Intercom ticket notes or Jira comments will be synched back and forth.

Use the app from the Help Desk

You can use the Jira for Tickets app in your inbox sidebar to create Jira issues from Intercom Tickets manually or link your Intercom Tickets to existing Jira issues (linking to many issues is supported).

To enable these capabilities in your Inbox, click on Edit apps, find the Jira for Tickets app and click on the pin icon to stick this to other apps in your Inbox sidebar.

Create Jira issues from Intercom Tickets manually

To create a new Jira issue from your Intercom ticket, click the Create a new issue button in your Jira for tickets sidebar app.

Select a Jira project from recently viewed or by using a search field.

Then choose an issue type and fill in the fields. Click on the Create issue button.

That’s it. The issue is created and linked to your Intercom ticket.

Link your Intercom Tickets to existing Jira issues

To link your Intercom ticket to an existing Jira issue, click on the Link an existing issue button in your Jira for Ticket sidebar app.

Find the issue either in Recently linked or by using a search field and click on it.

That’s it! The issue is linked, and you can now see it in your Inbox sidebar. You can Unlink the issue or link multiple issues to the same Intercom ticket if needed.

Automate Jira Issue creation with Workflows

Automation with Workflows and Jira Actions is only available on certain Intercom plans. See our plans and pricing here.

If you have access to Intercom Workflows, you will find Jira templates when you create a new Workflow.

There are two Workflow templates that come preinstalled with the Jira app and you can customise them to meet your specific requirements:

  1. Create Jira Issue - creates a Jira Issue and links it to an Intercom Ticket.

  2. Comment on Jira Issue - adds a comment to the linked Jira Issue.

If you do not see any Jira Workflow Templates, you need to uninstall and reinstall the Jira for Tickets app.

You can either use the default templates or edit them using the power of Workflows.

To edit what Intercom information is passed to the Jira issue, click the three-dots icon on the Jira Action step and choose Edit.

The dynamic dropdowns effortlessly pull in real-time data from your systems, ensuring you always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

You can add more attributes by manually adding the field to the "Additional Fields" section.

The Jira Assignee and Reporter need to be a valid User ID of a user in Jira. You can get this User ID from the user's Profile URL.

Once you make your changes, click Save on the Jira Create Issue Action. You will then see your added attributes displayed in the action step.

Once you’re happy that your Jira Workflow and Action are ready, click Set live to set the Workflow live.

The Workflow will run when the conditions of its trigger are met. Read more about Workflows.

Important: Currently, if a Jira issue is created using a workflow any updates to the issue will not sync between Jira and Intercom.

Customer experience

Customers will continue to interact with your support team through Intercom. However, any tickets they raise, or your teammates raise for them, will now be automatically converted to Jira issues, streamlining the process and ensuring better issue tracking and management.

Teammate experience

Teammates can view and manage Jira issues directly within the Inbox. When a new ticket type is created, it will automatically create a Jira issue based on the mappings configured during set up. This allows teammates to efficiently manage and resolve issues without having to switch between Intercom and Jira.


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